Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rey : My Chemical Romance

From left to right : Bob Bryar , Frank Iero , Gerard Way , Mikey Way , Ray Toro
From left to right : Ray Toro , Mikey Way , Bob Bryar , Frank Iero , Gerard Way
Top left : Bob Bryar, Top Right : Ray Toro, Top middle : Gerard Way , Bottom left : Mikey Way, Bottom right : Frank Iero
From left to fight : Bob Bryar , Mikey Way , Gerard Way , Frank Iero , Ray Toro

Mikey Way posing .

He's Gerard Way's younger brother , Mikey Way!!!He's a guitarist and a side vocalist SO HOT XD XD XD !!
Mikey Way looking at the cameraXD So cool XD XD XD

Mikey Way looks better without the hat,he has glasses on and a nice pose!!So cool!!
This is Gerard Way singing!!
This is Gerard Way's younger brother.Mikey Way,he's hot too XD
Frank Iero and Gerard Way french kissing on stage!!( They always do that)XD
Frank Iero kissing Gerard Way Still so hot!!! The one holding the michrophone is Gerard Way.Frank Iero has a weird Hairstyle.
Gerard Way kissing Frank Iero SO COOL!!! The one holding the guitar is Frank Iero.
Gerard Way with a changed hairstyle LOL HAHA.
Gerard Way the vocalist of the band My Chemical Romance.
Frank Iero with a sign saying I Love Gerard Way(Made it himself XD so hot!).
Frank Iero playing the guitar and singing.He's a side vocalist and a guitarist.He has alot of tatoos!!!SO HOT kyaaaa!! He has the word halloween tatooed on his fingers.
Frank Iero in black.Still so hot XD XD XD.
This is Frank Iero.He's so cool the X on his eyes XD.They change alot of hairstyles.
There are other people but i'm lazy to write and find more pictures HAHA.
Lead Vocalist : Gererd Way
Electric Guitar : Mikey Way
Guitarist : Frank Iero and Ray Toro
Drummer : Bob Bryar


  1. I discovered Frerard today, but ive always had a thing for Frank and Gerard^///^ so now im a HUGE fangirl.

  2. Mickey Way is BASSIST not guitarist :/

  3. Its Mikey Way not freakin Mickey......god......and Mikey does not do side vocals.
